There is no man on earth without an enemy, that is the reason we should always include prayers to cancel the evil plans of the enemy. Life will be less interesting without an enemy.
Right now, I know you are eager to know how life would not have been interesting without an enemy, it will be revealed in the body of this article, as it evolves.
You only feel you have no enemy because you have not reached where God wants you to be, you have not gotten to the level the Lord of the Host wants you to be.
Having no enemy is a sign that you have great works to do for yourself that you have not done yet; you are not living the kind of life God keeps for you. Satan is not attracted to a man without vision, he is attracted to a man with great vision and potential. What keeps a man are prayers to cancel the evil plans of the enemy.
According to John 10:10, a thief comes only to steal, and destroy. In order words, Satan being the thief goes to the house of a man who has valuables that can be stolen. Satan can not go to the house of a man he knows has nothing to offer. You truly need prayers to cancel the evil plan of the enemy.
Satan can not make a man an enemy when he knows he has nothing he can steal from him, he only comes your way when he knows you have great potential and when he sees that you are becoming the man he least expected of you.
Enemies are people who have in times past tried to be like you; not being able to be like you might lead to enmity. Prayers to cancel the evil plans of the enemy is very vital in the life of a man with a great destiny.
Page Contents
Who Is An Enemy?
An enemy is seen as one who hates another passionately and mostly feels angry at his or her process in life. The concept of the enemy did not start today, it has been a long-aged thing. God from the beginning had one who hated him wholeheartedly.
Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry, had a lot of people who were against his ministry and were always praying he failed. The concept of enmity did not start today; it started long ago.
Can one do without an enemy? Living without an enemy means not living at all. Not everyone is supposed to love us, some people are just meant to dislike us for just no reason.
According to the dictionary, an enemy hates us. There is nothing you will do on earth that will be pleasant to your enemy, he dislikes you with all his heart.
A couple of people on earth make this mistake of trying to please everyone on earth, the bitter truth is that no matter, what you do, not everyone sees you as s a big deal, and some people will still dislike you no matter what you do to them.
Types of Enemies You Must Consider In Your Life
The Devil
1 Thessalonians 2:18 says “For we wanted to come to you. I, Paul, more than once, and yet Satan hindered us”. When Paul started his ministry in Thessalonians, he was greatly opposed by the Jewish community (Acts 17:1-8).
This was so because they felt he was not accepting Caesar as the highest authority just as others in the land at then. Satan passed through the authority to force Paul to vacate the land. Paul never wanted to go, but the situation occurred beyond his control.
Many would have gotten to great stages in life, we get disappointed on the verge of breakthroughs, and we get rejected when we are supposed to be accepted. This is not our fault, the enemy causes this, he is always there to fight against a believer and to make sure he does not become great in life.
The greatest enemy we should discover early in life is the Devil, Lucifer the Satan. According to Daniel 10:13, Daniel prayed for 21 days without getting his result.
Not that God did not answer, but the truth there was that King Persia stood above and blocked the result from getting to Daniel. As a believer, we should not be ignorant of the devices of Satan, he is the greatest enemy of Christians.
Sin: This is yet another great enemy of God and man. Surprisingly, sin is the friend of Satan, he uses it as an instrument to lure believers into his kingdom.
According to 1 John 3:8, he that sinned is not of God, he is of the Devil. Any man who is of the Devil is an enemy of God. Being an enemy of God makes you vulnerable to Satanic destruction and attack.
Though the Bible makes us know that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), the reason he sent his only son to come down was that he offered himself as a living sacrifice on our behalf so that our sins might be forgiven and that we might sin no more.
Even after the sacrifice, Satan still uses sin as a strong tool against God’s children. We should try to beg God for the grace to live the kind of lives that will glorify the name of him that created us and put the enemy, satan to shame.
The greatest tool to rebuke sin from our lives is to plead with the Holy Spirit to help us do away with sin.
Negative Addiction
I refer to this as the enemy within. This is the greatest enemy that fights believers in recent times, especially the youth. Negative addiction can cause great damage to the life of a Christian; it can reduce one from one great level to nothing.
Some years ago, I was passing through some family challenges which affected me academically, I tried my best to fight it to a standstill but was not able to. At a point in the struggle, I was overwhelmed.
This led me to drugs; I joined friends to smoke to the extent that I felt my life was dependent on smoking. I stopped going to the place of worship because I felt I never needed God again. The addiction grew so strong that it was very hard to go a day without drugs.
My life changed for good when God introduced me to a friend who introduced me to Christ again. Knowing Christ and always seeking his assistance helped me to fight drugs to a standstill.
Negative addiction can lead to death, it can lead to crime which in turn will lead to jail. This is not how a believer’s life is supposed to be, but the enemy does it. Anytime Satan feels he has no way to bring a man down, he introduces him to people who will introduce him to negative things that will later form part of his life, to destroy him.
According to 1 Timothy 3:3, we should not be addicted to wine, rather, we should be gentle, loving, and free from the love of money. Addiction to drinking might cause serious damage to man. Excessive love of Money can also form a negative addiction.
I sincerely believe that at the end of reading this article, you will be able to set yourself free from all forms of negative addiction which are in turn enemies in your life.
This is the object used by Satan to subject believers to humiliation and pain. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God is always with you, to help, protect and strengthen you in all times (Isaiah 41:10).
Devil uses fear to defeat children of God, he uses fest to subject them to severe pains they will not be able to go out easily. According to Psalms 23:4, even if you walk in the valley, the shadow of death, do not be afraid of any evil.
Why? For the Lord is always with you, her will be your source of comfort. Whenever fear comes, rebuke it being meditating on Psalm 23, from verse one down.
That is the Bible verse I have used to overcome fear in my life. When God promises, he makes sure he does it. Since he said that he will be with you and that you should not be afraid, trust him in that.
Even with the terror in the nighttime, our God says we should not be afraid of it, not even the arrow that goes about in the daytime. Satan knows things that easily make us afraid, he consistently tries to bring those things our way to destroy us. Do not allow him to do that, rebuke him with the word of God anytime he comes, and he will flee away from you.
Regrettable Pasts:
This is one great enemy that opposes both physical, and spiritual growth of a believer, whenever Satan wants to bring bad memories your way, rebuke it with the word of God.
For God sent his son to come down and die for our sins. This implies that he paid the ultimate price for our sins, our past should never hold us down again in any way.
Satan uses anything in the past we cannot let go of to destroy our lives, which is more reason we should learn to forgive ourselves and move on, to allow new things to come our way.
I know you never saw this coming as the kind of enemy we would be discussing in this article, this is so great an enemy that it can cut short our blessings.
Most times, God wants to bless us, but our past being kept as a barrier is not allowing him to. Something in us is still making us duel in the past, thereby denying ourselves the joy that comes from God. This is an enemy of progress.
Physical Enemies
This is where witches and wizards operating against the individual are subsumed. The physical enemy can be your friend, your relative, your colleague at work and so on. People like this exist, and the more reason God gave us the power to pray.
The only potent weapon I know against this enemy is prayer. Just as it is stated in the book of 2 Corinthians 10:4, the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but great through God, for the bringing down of stubborn enemies. This is the only way to fight against this enemy.
Prayers For The Enemies
Prayers to cancel evil plans of the enemy is very important to man. The question of the kind of prayers to pray for an enemy has generated a lot of controversies in the world today, some verses in the Bible will tell us to love our enemies, while some will tell us otherwise.
The problem is not the Bible, there are no inconsistencies in the word of God, the problem is our understanding of the scripture. In the book of Exodus, God through Moses and Aaron warned Pharaoh about the dangers of standing as the enemy of God’s people, God told him that he and his people were going to suffer if he fail to let the children of Israel go back to the promised land.
In this scenario, Pharaoh was the Devil on the way to their promised land, he vowed never to let them go. God did not take it easy with him, he made him pay heavy for inflicting pain on the Israelites, and he paid with his blood and that of his family.
The same applies to King Saul in the Bible who never wanted David to have rest, God dealt greatly with him at the end of the day.
Matthew 5:43, the Bible says we should pray for our enemies, and for those who persecute us. Did the Bible mention the kind of prayer point to pray for them?
It is left for us the children of God to discern the kinds of prayers to pray to the Bible.
Prayer for the enemy is the kind of prayers believers should engage to change an enemy for good, protect them if changed, or judge them if they refuse to change their evil ways.
Yes, our God is a God of mercy, he has mercy on anyone ready to run to him for mercy. This can only be possible if you confess with your mouth that he is God (Romans 10:9). God makes his mercy sufficient to only those who confess their sins, and are ready to turn away from those sinful acts.
For the enemies who do not want to repent, and are there to persecute the children of God, the kind of prayers to pray for them is for God to set his justice system on them. According to Romans 2:10, there is no partiality in God, he judges all according to our deeds.
He is not a respecter of any man. God loves his people, therefore her kicks against any man who stands in the way of his children.
If the enemy refuses to repent, God punishes them and sends them to where they deserve to be. There is no need to pray a very good prayer point to an enemy who has made up his mind never to let the children of God see peace in life.
God had given Pharaoh enough time to repent and let the children of Israel go, but he refused. This led to his death, he did not just die, he died together with his group, the army.
God would have pardoned him, but believe me, if God had allowed him to stay alive, there is that tendency that he would never allow the children of Israel to have peace even in the land God had sent them to.
There are enemies God knows will never allow you to have peace in life he stays alive, God loves his children so much that he is willing to take away man who stands in the way of his children. Saul stood in the way of Christians, he made her persecute them. God arrested him by making him blind. The blindness led him to Christ.
Some of our enemies need God’s divine intervention to let your life have peace, and you should be ready to always call your father anytime.
As I said earlier, you do not have to pray good prayers to your enemies all the time, after praying for them to repent and forsake evil, if they fail to repent, let the judgment of God befall them.
I know some set of people will not subscribe to this notion. The truth remains, that some enemies will never stop fighting you till they are taken away from you. Pharaoh never stopped fighting the children of Israel until God caused him to die in the Red Sea.
If he was allowed to cross the Red Sea, he would either have killed the Israelites or brought them back into captivity.
According to Exodus 22:18, we are not allowed to permit a witch to live, this does not mean that we should carry guns and armor to fight against the enemies.
The only known weapon in God’s kingdom is prayer. There are people who until they die, will never achieve what your destiny demands of them, yes this is true.
The world is a very wicked place, made of wicked people who have gone the extra mile to make sure you are not manifested in life.
God has predestined every one of us here on earth, he had already given us a glorious future with a happy ending (Jeremiah 29:11).
Do not allow the enemy to thwart that which God had kept for you. Rebuke Satan, and he shall be rebuked forever (Zachariah 3:2).
ALSO READ: 20 Powerful Prayer Points To Destroy Enemies
An Enemy of the child of God is an enemy of God, though the Bible says we should pray for our enemies. There is no known verse in the Bible that God took it lightly with the persecutors of his Children.
According to the Bible, a sinner is not at peace with God, he who continually duels in sin is an enemy of God, and the wages of Sin is death according to Romans 6:23. What then is the implication of this?
An enemy of God’s children has sinned against God and the wages of sin is death. There is no amount of good prayers you will pray for a wicked man for him to be free unless he repents. For whatsoever a man sows, that will he reap (Galatians 6:7).
You cannot sow wickedness and reap goodness; you cannot sow hatred and envy then reap favour.
Our God is a God of mercy, his mercy is always sufficient unto us on earth, the more reason he sent his son to die for our sake and to redeem us from every sinful nature.
There is still room for repentance if you know you have inflicted pain on another. David in the book of Psalms 35:1 understood God as one who fights for his children, he took advantage of that, and it was to his advantage.
Earlier in this article, I outlined the kinds of enemies to be considered here of which the Devil itself was number one. In Psalms 7:11, God judges the righteous, and he is always angry with the wicked every day. What does this imply?
This means that God perpetually hates the Devil. What sort of prayer would you pray to someone whom God hates? I feel there is none. He is never ready to repent, all he knows to do is to inflict pain on the children of God.
According to James 4:7, we are told to rebuke the Devil, and he will flee from us. Before we rebuke him, we must, first of all, submit to God. God gives us the power to spiritual fight our enemy, we can not stand on our own to win the battle.
30 Prayer Points To Cancel Evil Plans of The Enemies
We outlined prayers against enemies here to help you fight unseen battles. As stated earlier, there is no man on earth without an enemy, and the only way to subdue the enemy is through prayer.
According to 2 Corinthians 10:4, the weapon we use to fight the devil is not the physical weapon, but mighty, for the bringing down of stronghold. This weapon is PRAYER.
To cancel evil plans in your life, engage in the following prayer points.
30 Prayers To Cancel Evil Plans
1. Lord, I thank you for the life you have given to me, I thank you for the good things of life you have given to me, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Thank you, father, for bringing me to perfect peace, and for making your light shine upon me, let your name be praised in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I shall not die, but I shall live to declare the good works of God in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. I shield my father with the blood of Jesus Christ
5. According to the Bible, you promised to give your Angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. I trust you for that in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. According to Isaiah 54:17, no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. With this, my protection is guaranteed in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Every enemy of my life and destiny, be frustrated by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. I cancel every demonic plan in my life by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.
9. Evil plans caused by my foundation, fighting against my destiny, being frustrated in the name of Jesus Christ.
10. Every enemy who masks as a friend to harm me, I destroy you by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.
11. The light of the Lord shall not depart from my path in the name of Jesus Christ.
12. Every power, planning to frustrate my life on earth, receive God’s judgement in the name of Jesus Christ.
13. Plans on the enemy in the life of my children to make them useless, I condemn you immediately in the name of Jesus Christ.
14. I shall reap the fruit of my labour on peace in the name of Jesus Christ
15. I shall not sow for others to reap in my absence in the name of Jesus Christ.
16. I fill my life with the divine power of God to overcome my enemies in the name of Jesus Christ.
17.Every gathering of the witches and wizards, planning evil against my life, I command the fire of God to consume them in the name of Jesus.
18. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the great days of my life. I shall know no spoil in the name of Jesus Christ.
19. Any demonic agent fighting my destiny, I command the host of heaven to join in the fight, and they shall be victorious in the name of Jesus Christ.
20. I break every yoke of poverty in my life and that of my family in the name of Jesus Christ.
21. Let all the powers camping against my breakthrough be terminated in the name of Jesus Christ.
22. Every evil tongue uttering evil against my life be frustrated in the name of Jesus Christ.
23. I recover all my properties in the camp of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ.
24. Holy Spirit of God, please help me to always reject poisoned food in the name of Jesus Christ.
25. Every troubler of my promised land, I come against you in the name of Jesus Christ
26. I remove my name and that of my family members from the book of untimely death in the name of Jesus Christ.
27. Let every evil meeting calling my name for destruction be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ
28. Let my light so shine before men in the name of Jesus Christ.
29. I shall not turn back at the verge of victory in the name of Jesus Christ.
30. I thank you Lord because I know that my prayers have been answered, let your name be praised in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayers to cancel evil plans of the enemy are never to be joked with by a believer, your life on earth depends on becoming who God created you to become.
Being attacked by your enemy means that th
ere is that tendency to fail God and your destiny. Prayers to cancel evil plan of the enemy have helped great men in the kingdom.
I am a living testimony to this. Destiny fulfilment is not for the feeble, it is for those who are willing to partner with God to make sure they get to their destination.
Making God solely responsible for your future is irresponsible. You have a part to play, and that is to engage in prayers to cancel the evil plan of the enemy in your life.
I pray that God helps you so that you do not disappoint him in this life. I am so happy you have been able to read up to this stage, do what you have been directed here, and you will be happy you did. God will help you to overcome your enemy totally in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
Excellent post!
I am a suffering person from evil attack and thank you for the words of God is a light of the enemy amenar
I’m suffering from able to attacks from the enemy and I would like prayers to overcome thank you
Dear Toni,
Thank you for reading our prayer points and we pray that every attack from the enemies are return back to sender in Jesus name.
We want you to embark on a 3 Days Fasting and Prayer, see as guide and pray using the along side with the prayer points in the article above.
We’ll also pray along with you and we believe that God will cancel every evil plans against your life.
Feel free to share your experience after the 3 days fasting and praying.
Remain Blessed.