Life is capable of dribbling you to the extent of planning to give up everything, but you do not have to, all you need is Prayer for encouragement. Whenever it seems your strength fail, just know that it is a phase of life that we’ll all pass through at one point and it will soon be over. All you need during this period to keep your faith strong and pray for encouragement to keep going.
We find ourselves in this world where our plans and aspirations are rarely fulfilled, except for God, this is one of the things that bring discouragement to man. Man needs encouragement and men alone will not give you the needed encouragement for life, God can, and he does it through the power of prayer for encouragement.
Page Contents
Why we need encouragement
One of the characteristics that differentiate humans from God is the attribute of tiredness, we often feel tired at some point in our lives. This is not something unusual, let us tell ourselves the truth, there is none of us on earth that will do the same thing every day without result, yet he will not be discouraged.
Discouragement is part of what makes us human and we can not exist without it.
God loves it when we give comfort to one another, he always feels whenever he sees us encouraging one another in the world. According to Romans 15:5, may God of mercy and comfort cause us to behave in the same way to one another.
We need encouragement in life because it is part of what keeps us on track to do what God has predestined us to: This is a very important reason we need encouragement in life, God had predestined every man on earth, we can not fulfill that which God had given to us without being discouraged.
In the journey of life, a lot of things happen, a lot of people give up, not being they truly wanted to do so, but because they felt it was too tough for them to handle and there was no one at the time to encourage them. Sometimes, men will not be there to give you the needed encouragement we would need to navigate through destiny, this is when God comes in. Where men failed, God does not.
We need encouragement to live a healthy life: Read through the creation story in the book of Genesis, and know more about where men failed God and where God allowed Satan to come into our lives to torment us. When sickness comes into our lives, we need encouragement to be able to keep hope alive and be hopeful.
This encouragement might not be gotten from any other source other than that God: According to the book of Isaiah 53:5, Christ was wounded for our sake, he was brutally dealt with for our sake, and by his stripes, we are healed.
What other source of encouragement would you consider more effective than this? When sickness comes your way, do not expect men to encourage you, men will fail to come through for you, but God will never disappoint you.
Some years ago, I had a sickness I was battling with and it seemed as though nothing was going to happen, I was only encouraged by the scripture that says that the Lord is capable of healing me. I derived encouragement from the book of Matthew 8:16 when men knew about the supernatural power of the Almighty, they brought the oppressed and the sick ones to him and they were healed. God can heal your sickness, do not be discouraged.
We need encouragement to live a healthy spiritual life : Sometimes in our quest for spiritual growth, we engage in activities believed to bring such growth, where the disappointment comes when there seems to be no result. Have you tried to do everything to keep your spiritual life healthy, yet it is not working? You are not in this alone, it is what almost every individual goes through.
I know how frustrating it can be and sometimes leads to discouragement. According to the book of Zachariah 4:6, It is not by power, not by might, but by the Spirit of God. This is when prayer for encouragement comes in to play a role.
Whenever Satan wants to kill or denotes a man, he, first of all, makes him lose his spiritual standing with God, this is done by bringing a series of discouraging activities to him. According to Proverbs 24:10, if you faint in the days of an adversary, your strength is small.
When your spiritual life is threatened by the enemy, it is not a time to throw in the towel, it is not the time to sit back and lament. Lamentations will only bring you more pain, but prayer will bring back your strength and make you whole again.
ALSO READ : Prayer for Promotion
How To Derive Spiritual Encouragement
- God through prayers
- Friends
- Family members
- Spiritual leaders
Out of all mentioned above, the most effective one is God, the only way other ones can genuinely encourage you is to lead you to God through prayer.
Prayer of Encouragement is needed to keep faith alive.
Are you going through something painful and you think that God is never going to come through for you? This is where this prayer for encouragement comes into play.
It keeps your faith alive and makes you know and believes that there is nothing God can not do for you as far as he has promised. Without faith, no man can please God. If your faith is gradually going down, then you need to engage in serious prayer for encouragement.
Prayer of encouragement is needed to keep going even when no one on earth is supporting you:
In a man’s life, it comes a time in his life he believes and feels the whole world is against him, this can suddenly to depression and discouragement in life and sometimes leads to death. It takes the power of encouragement to keep going at this stage in life.
One thing I should let you know, even if the whole world is against you and God is with you, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:31). If God is for you, nobody can be against you in life, it is the promise of God and he will never fail.
Areas We Need Encouragement
- Marriage
- Career
- Education
- Life in General
5 Bible Verses for Encouragement
Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and casualty shall be no more, neither shall there be weeping, nor outcry, nor sting anymore, for the obsolete things have passed away.” And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, a new thing is birthed from me.
Psalm 94:18–19 When I assumed, “My foot slips,” Your enduring love, O LORD, helped me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your comforts cheer my soul.
Proverbs 3:5–6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.
1 Peter 5:6–7 : Humble yourselves, accordingly, under the powerful hand of God so that at a reasonable time He may exalt you, releasing all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.
Romans 15:13 : May the God of hope fill you with all joy and stability as you hope in Him, so that you may spill over with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer for Encouragement
- Father Lord, I thank you for the life you have given to me, I thank you for always showing up for me in a point of need, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I thank you for revealing yourself to me, for making my life what it is today, let all glory be ascribed unto your Holy name in the name of Jesus Christ.
- By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I shall never be a failure in life
- Any weapon aimed at discouraging me in life, I receive power from God to overcome you now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Demonic powers against my spiritual growth, I come against you right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I restore my faith in Christ right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Satanic manipulations to discourage me from doing things that will enhance my blessing from God, I cancel you right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- God of peace shall give me peace on every side in the name of Jesus Christ
- The powers of the enemies to relegate my life in life are cancelled now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, you came to the world to die for me, as I go through trial time, give me the strength to come out victoriously in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, please give me strength when I am weak, show up for me when men forsake me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, your word says that I should be anxious for nothing, I thank you because I know that you are opening new doors for me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Oh Lord, I need the strength to keep going, I don’t want to fall at the road side
- As I go about my daily activities, the Lord of peace shall come through for me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Thank you for showing up for me Jesus, I am more than grateful. I shall never be discouraged in life because the Lord is on the throne and he will never disappoint me in the name of Jesus Christ.
This article has been able to talk extensively talk on the prayer for encouragement, it has also told us why we need to be encouraged. Things mostly do not go the way we planned them, except God helps us. There are times in life we become discouraged and feel like giving up in life.
When this time comes, engage in prayer for encouragement and believe in God for more strength. For the Lord has promised to give us the strength to overcome every discouraging situation in life.
As you have engaged in this article, I pray that God’s blessing is sufficient to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
1 Comment
very inspiring message and full of encouragement.