Have you ever felt your prayer life has simply gone stale? Do you need ways on how to revive your prayer life? Maybe the words won’t come when trying to pray, or the motivation won’t come, yet inside your heart, you want to connect with God. You are not alone. Reviving your prayer life requires intentionality, humility, and a willingness to go deep into the Lord.
In this article, we will get into some practical guides to help you overcome prayer less life and including biblical insights to get your passion back to praying and getting a better relationship with God, your Father.
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Understanding The Importance of Prayer
Prayer means communication with God, it is a solid way to solidify one’s relationship with the creator. God values communication so much that he wants you to talk to him constantly.
An earthly father wills what belongs to him to his children, he pays special attention to the child whom he communicates to frequently. The same applies to God, your heavenly father.
The importance of praying to God should not be overemphasized, it is something we should do as a matter of urgency and not compulsion. As a believer, you can never develop a strong relationship with God or your Father without prayer.
Before we now give some practical guides on how to revive your prayer life, let’s remind ourselves why prayer is important as a Christian. This will help us to stay connected to God in prayer at every point in time.
Why You Need To Pray
1. Strengthens our relationship with God: We are children of God, being a child of God, you ought to develop a solid relationship with your father. One of the greatest ways to solidify your relationship with God is through prayer. John 15:15
2. Prayer gives Direction and wisdom: According to the book of James 1:5, the Bible wants us to ask God for wisdom and he will answer us, what is this telling you? This should let you know that prayer gives direction and wisdom in life. Do you want to be wise in all you do, then do not neglect the importance of praying to God.
3. Prayer gives comfort and peace when problems arise (Psalm 34:17)
The world is problematic, the earth is full of troubles, and it takes the strength of God to excel here. 2 Corinthians 1:3 makes us understand that God is a God of comfort, he comforts us in times of tribulations. It does not matter what you are going through in life, God will send comfort and peace that surpasses all human understanding, just stay clued to Him.
4. Enables us to overcome spiritual battles, Romans 8:37 makes us understand that in all these things, we’re more than conquerors. This is certain in the place of prayer.
5. Brings joy and thanksgiving in our hearts as in Philippians 4:6
Key Obstacles To Prayers
A lot of things can hinder one’s prayer life. If you see yourself being hindered by most of the points that will be outlined, do not be scared, there will be a way out. A prayerless Christian is a defeated Christian.
Environmental distractions: Anything around you can act as this, this is one of the most common forms of obstacles to prayer and it should not be overlooked or undermined. Anything that takes your prayer time can be in this category. Look at yourself, look around you, you will identify the things that take your time for prayer. Deal with it now, or else it will deal with you spiritually. Your family and friends can belong here, your gadgets can also find their way here.
Lack of faith and confidence in God: According to the gospel of Matthew 16:8, the Bible says that when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, “You of little faith”. According to the Bible, without faith, no man can please God, it means that anything done outside of faith is not pleasing to God.
Unforgiving Heart or bitterness: According to Mark 11:25, the Bible makes us understand that no man is permitted to communicate with God with an unforgiving heart.
Unforgiveness hinders one’s Prayer life. If you want to pray to God, please forgive whatever anyone might have done to you, it doesn’t matter the magnitude of the pain you felt from the hurt, heal and forgive, it is for your good. The agony of unforgiveness is not felt by the offender alone, you bear a greater percentage of it.
If you are wondering why you can not pray, or why your prayers have not been answered, this could be a reason.
Sin or guilt: This is another strong obstacle to a great Prayer life. Whenever Satan knows that you are about to enjoy a good relationship with God, your father, he reminds you of past mistakes, his only aim is to make sure you live in guilt, thereby not being able to pray to God as supposed. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, that if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation, all the former things are history.
Whenever Satan reminds you of your past errors, remind him of the love of God the blood Jesus spilt on the cross of Calvary to take away that sin. Unsure of the love of God: Some prayerlessness can be a result of ignorance, ignorance of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, not knowing the ultimate price he has paid for you in love’s sake.
Practical Tips on How To Revive Your Prayer Life
I have been a victim of stunted spiritual growth and Prayer life in the past, I can boldly tell you the things to do immediately to bring you back on your feet spiritually. These are practical steps that can work for anyone irrespective of your location.
Devote specific time
Mark 1.35 “Very early in the morning, while it was yet dark, he got up, went out, and went away to a lonely place, and there he prayed.” Allow time for prayer, squeeze it into the day. A lot of people are going through prayerlessness because they do not know the fact that the first step to overcome it is to allot time for it.
I wonder how we allot time for a lot of activities in life, but we joke with prayer time a lot of us do not have a visible and consistent time we pray. Start today, it can be twenty minutes at the start, it can be thirty and so on, the goal is to start
Create a Prayer Journal
Write out your praises, thanksgiving, and petitions. Re-reading prayers and answers from years gone by will strengthen your faith Psalm 103:2.
One good secret of maintaining a good prayer altar is creating a prayer journal. This will remind you of the goodness of God, in times when you do not know what to do.
Going back to the documented things that God had told you in the past which came to pass will strengthen you to believe in him the more for good things. Do not ignore a prayer journal, it helps.
Pray with a partner
Matthew 18:19-20 gives heavy emphasis on the power of united agreement in prayer. Share your burdens with a trusted friend or family member. I was going through a period in my life where I was not able to pray, I was so weak spiritually that I couldn’t help myself.
The only way I was able to come out of this was to look for a prayer partner. It could be anyone, but I advise you to have a prayer partner who would encourage you to stand up no matter what you are going through in life.
Practice Gratitude
Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” My friend, let your focus be upon His goodness.
If you focus more on the goodness of God, you will always have a reason to thank him, even in difficult situations. Ingratitude is a sin, a serious one. Do not be ungrateful to God, thank Him always for the things he has done for you, and thank him too for the ones he is yet to do.
The Bible records in Luke 17:11-19 about the 10 Lepers who came to Jesus for cleansing, it is recorded that out of the 10 that were healed, only one went back to show Gratitude, and I’m sure we know that he was made whole.
Practising gratitude in the place of prayer will help you to stand when it looks like things are not working as expected. When you constantly feel grateful for the things God has done for you, you will want to thank him more.
Seek Forgiveness
Confess sin and receive God’s cleansing (1 John 1:9). Regularly seek spiritual renewal through prayer and Scripture. The Bible says that if we confess our sins, he is faithful to forgive us of all unrighteousness.
If you feel that your prayer life isn’t going the way it should go, move to the throne of mercy to obtain mercy. Also have it in mind that when you pray to God for forgiveness of sin, he hears you. God Loves you, and he always wants you to come to him.
Persevere Through Meditation
Meditation is very important in the prayer life if a believer, we often ignore this. Prayer is talking to God; Meditation is listening to what God has to say to you through your spirit. God can speak to you when you are silently reflecting on the word of God, Spiritual strength can come from constant meditation. According to David’s account in Psalm 13: Even When He is Silent, God is working, trust His sovereignty.
Study the word of God
Whenever you feel no strength in you to pray, another thing I would advise you to do immediately is to go into the study of the Word. Isaiah 40:29 says that he gives strength to the weary.
This can only be realized in the place of the study of the word of God. God has promised to help you, he truly will, do not doubt him, and do not be scared of running to your father any time you need him through his word for the word of God is the mind of God
Reflection Questions
1. What practices have weakened my prayer life?
2. How do I deal with those practices?
3. How can I incorporate prayer into my daily life?
4. For whom do I frequently ask others to pray?
5. What Scripture is it that shall impart strength to my faith when I am down?
Lord, I thank you for revealing me to this truth that I know will change my life forever. I am sorry for being cold for this long. Revive my prayer life. Lord, may I seek You afresh with passion and constancy. Let my prayers be perfumed with thanksgiving, full of faith and clothed in humility. Amen.
ALSO READ: 7 Days Fasting and Prayer Plan With Bible Verses
Understanding how to revive your prayer life requires lots of effort, patience, and persistence. It is not something that will happen all of a sudden, it needs constant work. Satan will not fold his arms and see you strife to serve God, he will make sure that he uses everything to fight that relationship, it is left for you to make up your mind not to allow him to win.
Follow these practical tips and search the Bible for directions that will redevelop a heart of passion for prayers and a better relationship with God. My prayer for you is that you will not grow weary of seeking God, you should be able to revive your prayer life in Jesus’ name. Amen