One of the best thing I learnt over the years is understanding how to allow Holy Spirit to take control. A terrible mistake a believer would do on earth is to try to do everything alone by wisdom forgetting that you were created by God.
Would you want to know how to allow Holy Spirit to take control of your life and activities, are you tired of the trial-and-error kind of life and want a change? Life would have been more interesting if we depend on the leadings of the Holy Spirit of God and not on our understanding.
It is funny and at the same time disheartening how people try to do things without the Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit that searches the heart of men, this is the spirit that compels God to act in a way that favours us. There are things you will not be able to do if you depend on your strength and understanding alone, you need to try to know how to allow Holy Spirit to take control of all your affairs.
Jesus Christ, as powerful as he was never operated outside the Holy Spirit, he always made sure he worked in the way that pleases the father. To make a great impact in life, please endeavour to allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you in things to do and the ones not to do. According to the Bible, in the last days, the Lord shall send his spirit to us as a comforter, who will direct us toward a rewarding end.
ALSO READ: Prayers To Remove The Spirit of Anger
Page Contents
Who Is The Holy Spirit To A Believer
Holy Spirit the Helper of Men
Have you ever gone through something tough and felt like you have nobody to help or speak on your behalf? This is when the Holy Spirit needs to come in. Jesus said, when he goes back to the father, he will plead with him to send a helper to me, and that helper will be responsible for the intercession.
A man by default has no supernatural power to function in the extraordinary, unassisted by God. As earlier noted, Holy Spirit is a God-given spirit sent to the helpless. The oppression of the world is too big to be handled ignorantly. Jesus Christ when he was sent to the world came to meet the wickedness in the world and the heart of men, he was not able to leave man the way he met.
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ has said to go to beg the father to give us his spirit as a helper. If you do not walk in the way of God, you are at risk. You are walking in flesh and walking in flesh means that you are ready to bear the consequences. Let us take a closer look at the life of Jesus Christ on earth, he was not born into a wealthy family, we have heard that he was born in a manger.
He was not born into the family of Herod as many predicted. Yet, he had a great impact on the world more than anyone. Have you not sat down to ask yourself this question, what is that power responsible for Christ’s earthly influence, even when he was not born into a wealthy or influential home?
I asked myself some questions a couple of times ago, I was wondering what made the life of Jesus Christ very different positively to others in his time and even now. The truth is, he had a power who was always there to assist and help him. Carefully study the life of Christ on earth, and you will know that God truly was with him, God being with him meant that the Holy Spirit of God was greatly behind his earthly exploit.
The Holy Spirit is God made manifest to man to help him. As a believer, you can not get to the extent you will want to in life if you want to do it outside the Holy Spirit. Have you now seen why you should allow the Holy Spirit to take control of your life? You probably want to know how to allow the Holy Spirit to take control. God is going to expose you to his space, and your life will never remain the same in the name of Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit As The Comforter of Men (John 14:26)
When I get to my father, I will beg him to send a comforter to you, the Holy Spirit who will guide you in whatsoever you do, wherever you go and also direct you on the way of God. Without this Spirit of God, life would disappoint you badly, but with God on your side, you will be victorious. When the comforter is with you, no man can succeed in doing you any harm.
Are you going through a situation that seems to weigh you down right now? This is because you are not activating the comforter of men which is the Spirit of God and that of light.
Many years ago, I lose a loved one, she was, so dear to me that I allowed emotion to control me. It overwhelmed me to the extent to I allowed Satan to introduce me to what he made me believe to be a comforter, he took me into the path of drugs, and I felt that was the only way I would be able to be comforted amidst the mourning period.
This was a deceit, this was his deceitful way of destroying my life. My life was transformed when I opened my door to the comforter of men, the Holy Spirit of the highest God. No matter what you are going through in life, have in mind that Jesus Christ is here to comfort you on every side and to lead you to a perfect day in your destiny.
Holy Spirit As The Way To God
According to Romans 8:8, those who duel in flesh can not please God, the only way to the father (God) is through Jesus Christ, and the only way to Jesus Christ is through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps you to walk in the path of God.
Have you wondered why those who duel in sin can not please God? Sin is not of God, anyone who is not of God is of the world, and being of the world means being an enemy of God. Always seek to be directed by the Holy Spirit of the father. According to Matthew 11:27, no man can get to the Father except through Christ Jesus, and no man can get to our Lord except through the divine Spirit of the highest God.
Are you struggling to live a life that will please God? If yes, you are struggling to do that because you lack something in you and that is the power of Jesus Christ. I pray that the father gives you that spirit so that you will be liberated in life and destiny.
Through the Holy Spirit of God, Saul who was a persecutor of the children of the children of God was arrested and he had no other option than to surrender. I pray that God sends his spirit of truth to come to us and minister to us, so that our ways will please the father, and we will continually please him.
Holy Spirit As A Path To A Glorious Ending
The worst mistake a man could do on earth is to begin a thing without God, to start a journey in which God is not involved. According to Jeremiah 29:11, God knows the thought he has for us, a thought of God and not of evil. To give us a glorious ending.
These plans of God to us can not be made manifest with the spirit of truth who searches the heart of men. Let the tell you the truth that most people would not want to tell you, a path not leading to God leads to destruction. For you not to be destroyed, you must live with the Holy Spirit.
According to Proverbs 14:12, there is a way that seems right unto men, but the end of it is destruction. The only way that leads to a glorious ending is through the Holy Spirit. I am happy that you are here, your being here shall never be in vain, God is here to make everything work together for your good, and you are not going to make destiny-destroying mistakes in life if you decide to walk in the way that pleases God.
You can not do it on your own, you will make great mistakes in life trying to depend on your knowledge and understanding. Depending on God as the author and the finisher of our lives is the best thing to do. I love Jesus Christ, he is the truest of all friends, he does everything every time to make sure we have a way to the father and that only way is the Holy Spirit of God.
ALSO READ: Prayers For The Fruit of The Womb
How To Allow Holy Spirit To Take Control of Your Life.
Genuine Repentance
The Holy Spirit of God as its name implies is so Holy and blameless, it has no spot on it. No man on earth truly wants to know how to let the spirit take control of his life and activities without first striving to live the life that will please God. Genuine repentance opens you to the dimension of total submission and brokenness.
Without repentance, it will be completely impossible to please the Lord and it will be impossible to do anything that will glorify God. I pray that God gives you the power to genuinely give your life to him so that he controls you to a glorious ending and makes him the Holy Spirit to guide you to all truth.
This is a very effective way of allowing the holy spirit to take control of your activities. As stated in earlier articles, prayer means effective communication between God and humans. We pray to God to take control. According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, prayer involves humility, before one would be able to render effective prayer, he or she would be able to be humble and seek God diligently.
Prayer could be used as a weapon of defence. You can not pray without first allowing the Holy Spirit to take over your life. At the same time, continuous prayer could invite the Holy Spirit into one’s life. The power of prayer should never be underrated by a believer because this is the power that gives you the authority to function in the supernatural. A prayerful man is a limitless man, while a prayer less man is a defeated man.
Lean Not In Your Understanding
One thing I love about the Holy Spirit is that it helps the helpless. According to the book of Proverbs 4:7, wisdom is the fundamental thing, in all we do, we are to seek wisdom and understanding. The Lord in the book of 1 Corinthians 1:19 has warned us against being wise in our ways and trying to gain understanding outside of him.
For you to be able to allow the Holy Spirit to take control of your life, try as much as possible to lean on God’s understanding and not humans. One mistake the majority of believers make is to feel they can do without God, trying to work out their understanding.
This is not good for a healthy spiritual life. Once you start dwelling in your understanding, the Holy Spirit distances itself from you. Great men who make a great impact in the kingdom of God are men who do not lean on their understanding. Your strength will fail you, but the Holy Spirit will never fail not to disappoint you.
Seek God’s Opinion In All You Do
I watch people go through challenging situations mostly, I feel sorry for them. You would not expect God to take over what he did not start with you. For the Holy Spirit to take control of a situation, one must seek God’s opinion in anything he or she wants to do. One thing I love about this Spirit of God is that it directs and guide.
A man was complaining about his failed business some time ago, after listening to him, I asked a question to know if he involved God in the planning process of the business, and that was when I realized that he did everything on his own.
He never bothered to seek God in it. If he had allowed the Holy Spirit to come to do its work, the Lord would have directed him on what to do, and God himself would have taken care of the business. Do yourself a favour and involve God in all you do. Not just involving God, but allowing him to take an active part in the decision-making process.
Abraham was a man after God’s heart, he made sure he heard from God before he took an action. This is how the life of a believer is supposed to be. I pray that God gives you the power and the enablement to seek his opinion in everything you do in life.
Live A Life That Pleases God
You can not possibly talk of the Holy Spirit when you do not live a life that is pleasing to God. God dislikes sin, living a sinful life means living a life not pleasing to God and such life can be so dangerous to a believer. For the Holy Spirit to take control of your life and activities, you must live a life that is pleasing to God all your life.
Seek God through the Scriptures: The day you start making the Bible your best book, that will be the day you will realise that God is faithful. God does not fail his people. For God to allow his Spirit to direct you, you should always read the mind of God through the scripture.
Be A Genuine Lover of God
According to 1 Corinthians 2:9, the eye has never, the ear of men has never heard what the Lord has in stock to those who love him. One of those things he has in stock for them is the directive of the Holy Spirit. Do not expect God to take control of your life when you do not genuinely love him. Every good promise God had made is are for people who love him.
Bible Verses About The Holy Spirit Guiding
John 16:13: For when the Spirit of God comes over you, you will cease to speak on your own, that spirit will guide you to all truth.
1 John 3:24: Whosoever keeps God’s commandments abide in Christ, and Christ abides in him too.
1 Corinthians 12:3: You can not affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord except the Holy Spirit is with him.
Galatians 4:6: Because we are the sons and daughters of God, he sends his Spirit to duel in us. The Spirit of God guide us and directs us on what to do to please the Father.
Ephesians 3:16: The Lord will strengthen you according to his riches in glory through his Spirit.
Galatians 5:16: Walk in the Spirit of God and the flesh will never have any authority over you.
John 16:7: Jesus here stated that it will be of our advantage if he goes back to heaven, if he goes, he will go beg the father to send a helper to us which is the Holy Spirit.
John 3:6: That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born if the spirit of God is spirit.
Psalm 119:105: The word of God is a lamp to my feet and a light that shines bright on my path.
Romans 18:13, If you live according to the flesh, you will surely die, but if you kill the flesh and live according to the Holy Spirit, you will surely live.
Prayers To Allow The Holy Spirit To Take control
After reading through this article if you want the spirit of God to take control of your life and every other activity of your life, kindly pray this prayer with me.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the King over my life and the light that shines brighter and brighter on my path daily, I thank you for drawing me closer to your love. No one comes closer to you and goes back ashamed, that I know. I thank you, Lord, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every sin of my life that draws me backwards spiritually, I receive power from above to overcome it in the name of Jesus Christ. Sin has no authority over my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit of God, I can not do it on my own, I can not navigate this world on my own, please help me and give me your Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to do anything on my own power, the Spirit of God shall overpower me.
I shall not be small in the name of Jesus Christ
No weapon formed against my Spiritual life shall prosper in the name of Jesus Christ.
In whatsoever I will do from now henceforth, I command the Holy Spirit of God to take over life in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you Jesus Christ for I know that your Spirit will overwhelm me in whatsoever I will do. I am blessed.
The best thing to happen to a man is to be directed by the Holy Spirit, mistakes in life come as a result of trying to figure out everything on your own. This article is primarily concerned with how to allow Holy Spirit to take control of one’s life.
History makers in the kingdom of God are men controlled by the Holy Spirit. I pray that you take this article seriously, and then you will be endowed with how to allow Holy Spirit to take control of all your activities.
God only trusts a man who is working by the directive of the Holy Spirit. This is to say that this Spirit that God brings relevance to man.