Today, we are exploring deliverance from alcohol addiction. Alcohol is inarguably one of the deadliest substances found on the surface of the earth if taken in excess. Generally, alcohol would not have been a bad substance, abuse is what makes it bad and deadly.
Alcoholism has caused a lot of damage to both the young and the older ones in the world today, it has taken a lot of people to their early graves while rendering its survivors useless in life. Deliverance from alcohol addiction should never be ignored if you truly want to live above this addiction. Living above this addiction can never be possible without God,
Are you currently going through a stage in your life you feel and believe that you can not live a day without alcohol? I have been there and I know how it feels. If you have come to the realization that you can not help yourself, according to the book of Isaiah 41:13, the Lord will hold your right hand, he will console you, for the Lord is with you.
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What is Alcohol?
This can be defined as an intoxicating substance, made by fermentation of sugar, or materials containing substances. There are substances which when taken to the body, the body reacts to it negatively.
Advantage of Alcohol
Though alcohol is believed to have some advantages, note that these advantages will only be possible if it is taken on recommendation and not for pleasure.
- It is believed that alcohol is important in reducing stomach aches
- It aids sleep, hence it is advisable for people who find it hard to sleep at night.
- It helps to checkmate high sugar content in the body system,
Effect of Addictive Alcoholism
Financial Drainage
I had a friend who was seriously into alcohol, he was addicted to the extent that he was not able to survive a day without drinking. Of course, it affected his finances badly. It got to the stage that if he gets a salary today, in the next 24 hours, the money must have finished, leaving him with nothing to hold on to. Life is not supposed to be like this.
Mental Illness
Any man or woman who constantly engages in excessive drinking is doing him or herself more harm mentally. Excessive drinking and getting drunk can have a way of affecting the brain of the individual, thereby causing serious damage to it. This can result in a mental disorder also referred to as madness.
A good number of mad people you see on the street today were not supposed to be mad, but excessive drinking has affected their brains thereby giving them no other option, but to be mentally derailed.
If you read your bible carefully, you will get to understand that most of the mistakes the children of God made were a result of drunkenness.
I have known of a man who got mentally derailed because of excessive drinking.
Health Deficiency
Excess intake of alcohol will not only cause mental health issues, but it also has great health implications, health-wise, several parts of the body can be damaged by excess taking of alcohol and they are:
The Brain: Alcohol when taken excessively can destroy the individual’s brain cells thereby causing the individual’s health to deteriorate which can eventually lead to death.
Liver: Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to the liver
The Heart: This is an organ responsible for pumping blood in the body, excessive alcohol in the system can cause it to shut down.
It causes Cancer: Experts have made us know that these substances can cause cancer, and it is deadly.
Alcohol Addiction kills spiritual growth. This is true, a man who is deeply into alcohol can not grow spiritually, according to Ephesians 5:18, we are advised not to be drunk with wine, instead, we are advised to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Whenever Satan wants to destroy a man’s destiny, he makes him addicted to alcohol.
Why Some People go into Alcoholism
Emotional imbalance
If you go about asking people reasons they engage in alcoholism, you will realize that one of the core reasons for doing this is as a result of emotional breakdown. So many years ago, I was in a relationship with this lady I loved so much, we dated for about three to four years.
a sad Friday morning, she gave me a call and said she was no longer interested in the relationship. I got heartbroken, I was emotionally down, and it got to the extent that I started seeing alcohol as the only remedy to my problem.
Satan used that as bait so he can trap me into what he believed I will never be able to come out of. I struggled with the new addiction till God gave me the ability to break through it.
Financial Bankruptcy
Some people see bankruptcy as the reason they had to go into alcoholism. It is usually draining to go into a business without making gains. When this happens, victims see alcohol as the only remedy and they eventually fall for it.
Do you know the irony of this life, they use the money to buy these drinks they take, thereby making their situations worst than it was before. Satan does not love you, he would not give you anything good.
I had a friend who had businesses running in his name, mysteriously things started going down and he eventually lost everything he worked for, he got into debt which eventually weighed him down.
He had no other option than to go into drinking. That never made the situation any better, rather it made it worst than it was. Things changed for him positively when he realized and accepted Chris into his life.
I know you are wondering right now, in your mind, you are asking questions like, “how is alcoholism hereditary?”. That is why I am here to tell you how. Let us take some African communities for example, though not limited to Africa alone.
There are people who are helplessly struggling with alcohol, trying to stop but they can not. It never started with them, their ancestral parents were addicts, and they died as a result of this. It so happened that, any male child in the family must engage in this same act which will eventually lead to their death.
If you have ever seen someone like this, do not blame them, the best thing you can do for them is to help them spiritually.
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Deliverance From Alcohol Addiction
Other than condemning a man or woman who engages in this destiny-threatening habit, there are ways you can help them without making them feel bad or hate themselves for it.
When I was still living with the addiction, I met a whole lot of supposed children of God who felt I was of the world and would not want to have anything to do with me. This never helped, rather, it made everything worst.
How To Pray For Alcohol Addiction:
Always Pray for them: According to James 5:16, we are mandated to always pray for one another, and then we also confess our sins to one another. That is where God’s mercy will set in.
Never feel that you are better than a man who is into drugs or alcohol, instead of that, please pray for them. If the Bible in the book of Matthew 5:44 can go as far as mandating us to love and pray for our enemies, who are we to condemn them? The first step to winning them to Christ is praying for them in your secret place.
Read the word of God: No matter what anyone is going through in life, the best place to find consolation is the word of God. There is nothing you will look for in life you will not find in God’s word.
Whenever you are with people you feel are going through a lot, introduce them to Christ and open up the word of God to them. That is the only name through which any man is safe.
Administer deliverance sessions: This is a compendium of prayer and the word. For deliverance to take place effectively, the duo must be engaged in, “the word of God and prayer”.
This is where our primary focus is in this article. According to Galatians 1:4, Christ gave himself for our sins, so that he might deliver us from the evil world, according to the will of the father.
Hebrews 9: 28 Christ was offered to bear our sin. These are powerful scripture that can be used against every power sponsoring drunkenness in the life of a person.
Prayer Points For Deliverance from Alcohol Addiction
- Father Lord, I thank you for the life you have given to me, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Lord Jesus, I thank you for bringing me into the place of prayer and deliverance, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, I am a sinner willing to be forgiven, please have mercy on me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- No power of the enemy can trap my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I shall not die; I shall live long to declare the goodness of God in the land of the living in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I shall not live a life of disgrace in the name of Jesus.
- Any power trying to disgrace my life with alcohol, I come against you right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Deliverance from powers that sponsor alcohol addiction, I command you to take over my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every ancestral power forcing me into drunkenness, I come against you right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- You strong man against my destiny who wants to destroy my finance by means of alcohol addiction, I break you now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I break the yoke of alcohol addiction in my life and that of my family in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I set myself free from every demonic bondage of alcohol addiction in the name of Jesus Christ. I shall never be depressed in this life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- From this day henceforth by the power of the Holy Spirit, I set myself aside from alcohol addiction in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Foundational deity, forcing me to see alcohol as a relief from pain, I come against you now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Destiny killing addiction, ravaging my life right now, I destroy you now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Killers of joy in my life, I command you to let my life go by force in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every friend that keeps reintroducing me to this alcoholic lifestyle, I desperate myself from you in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Sins of my forefathers that expose me to demonic addiction, I come against you now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover my life, take away every form of vulnerability in me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Thank you, Jesus, I know that I am eternally delivered from alcohol addiction in the name of Jesus Christ.
This article has been able to extensively talk on deliverance from alcohol addiction, it has been able to point out the effect of alcohol on the life of an individual, the causes of alcohol addiction and possible ways to overcome this addiction.
Deliverance from alcohol addiction has to do with using weapons of heaven which is “prayer and the word” to fight against that addictive spirit. If you truly want to overcome alcohol addiction and live a free life to serve God, engage in these deliverance prayers. I am happy you have been able to read up till this stage.
Your life will never remain the same in the name of Jesus Christ.