You might be wondering what “command the morning prayers” means right? The days are full of evil and it is important you are in charge as a child of God to overcome all forms of demonic manipulation. And one of the ways a believer can be authoritative is through prayers, and such morning prayers are called commanding the morning.
Command the morning prayers helps you to clear the atmosphere and make lines fall in place. A lot of demonic operations take place in the night, these are strong enough to bring destruction to your day if nothing is done about it. This is when the command the morning prayers comes in and plays a vital role in the life and growth of a believer.
Men who fail to command their morning live the rest of their day regretting the mistake they made. Satan does not joke with us whenever he wants to attack, believers are the only ones who feel laziness to pray to God.
When you begin your day with prayer, you are commanding the angels of heaven to clear your day for you and make it an enviable one.
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Why You Need Command The Morning Prayers?
There are several reasons why believers should speak positive things into their morning before he or she starts the day. Satan does not want any child of God to see any good thing in life, being lazy in place of prayer could be so dangerous to destiny.
It is a way of refreshing your soul, body and spirit thereby making you prepare to go out and take over what belongs to you. You cannot go out to claim what rightfully belongs to you if you are not prepared spiritually. A lazy Christian is a weak Christian who is open to oppression by the enemy.
Command the morning prayers will give you the needed power to rule over one’s day and to cause things to Favour him. Christ being the son of God with no sin in him started his journey on the earth with prayers, and he also ended it with prayers. Commanding one’s activity before it is done should never be overemphasized. It has great positive effects on the life of believers.
Believe me, you are not going to make it in this life as you would if you are the type that avoids prayers.
Some people often give this excuse that their job is so stressful, that it will not give them time to pray and speak into their day. This is funny. Do you know that Satan is not happy when he sees you remain in that job, he wants to do everything possible for your life to be in shambles, it is left for you to either allow or disallow him. You cannot stop him by being lazy around prayer, especially the command of your morning prayers.
Satan is ever ready to attack, by engaging in these prayers, fortifies you for the difficult things that life carries. Let me give you a shocker of your life, life can not give you the good things that God had prepared for you unless you engage in some prayers.
I beg you in the name of God, stop seeing prayers as a waste of time in the kingdom, this is the only way you become a terror to the kingdom of darkness. If the devil must be afraid of you, this will only be possible if you are a man of prayer.
Prophetic Declarations To Command Your Morning
Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for this day, I thank you for the gift of life and I thank you for making it possible for me to be alive this morning, thank you for your son Jesus Christ whom you sent for my sake. I declare this day is the day the Lord has made in my life, I will rejoice and be glad on this day. I declare that no evil hands shall touch me this day. All things are working for my good this day in the name of Jesus Christ.
I declare that the enemy shall never use me to destroy my life in the name of Jesus Christ
According to the book of Isaiah 42:16, the Lord is will guide me in the way that will favour me, my life shall attract favour, he will make darkness to become light in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
I declare that I shall not be a failure this day in the name of Jesus Christ.
I declare that the sin shall not smite me by day, not the moon by night, the Lord shall send his Angels to take charge over me, to keep me in all my ways.
I declare that as I am stepping out this morning, men shall not pass without showing me kindness in the name of Jesus Christ. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run in and is safe.
ALSO READ : Prayer of Revival And Restoration
Bible Verses To Command The Morning
Job 38:12: Have you commanded your morning since the day started, and cause the dawn to know its place. This shows that it is very necessary to speak to your day. There are things that Satan ought to make happen to us, but the power of speaking into the atmosphere in the morning has a way of influencing and destroying it.
Mark 11:24: Whatever you ask in the name of Jesus Christ, believe, and you will surely have it.
Psalm 143: 8: Command the morning to bring to you the unfailing love of God, because you trust in him. He will also show you the way you should go. Wow! What a wonderful verse to start a day with. Do you know what it takes for the Lord to direct you on the path you should go?
Psalm 5: 3: In this morning, I lay my request to you, Lord, hear my voice.
Psalms 90:14: Satisfy me, Lord, this morning with your unfailing love.
Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, pray and give thanks to the Lord. Make your request known to him.
Psalm 91:11-19: If you duel in the house of shall not be ashamed, the Lord will take care of you even at night, no evil will befall you. In the daytime, you will be victorious.
Psalm 25: 2: I trust in you Lord, do not make me ashamed.
Romans 8:28-31: Everything works together for good to those who love the Lord and are called by his name. Then 31 says if God is for you, nothing can be against you.
Psalm 19:14: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing unto you Lord for you are my rock and also my redeemer.
ALSO READ : Prayers To Remove The Spirit of Anger
Commanding The Morning Prayer Points
- I recover this day from the hands of the evil ones in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every demonic monitoring spirit sent to monitor my affairs this day and to bring tears to me, I frustrate your effort in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I command the atmosphere to favour me this day in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Whatsoever I touch with my hands this day shall prosper in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every spirit of bad luck sent to follow me this day, I come against you now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- The sun shall not smite me this day, the moon will not fight against me in the night in the name of Jesus Christ.
- This day, your mercy shall be sufficient to me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every power from the heavenly places against my progress this day, I make you silent in the name of Jesus Christ.
- None of my family members shall become victims of circumstances in the name of Jesus Christ.
- By the power in the blood of Christ, my office shall work according to God’s purpose and plan for my life.
- Every tongue rising against me in judgement this day shall be condemned in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every counsel of Ahitophel in my life this day shall be utterly destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.
- This day shall be filled with joy and happiness in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, the creator of the heavens and the earth, I will always trust in you for supply, let me not be ashamed in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Thank you, Lord, for I know that this day is going to work out for my good and benefit. Thank you for the day once again. As I step out, I know that you have kept all things in place to favour me. I love you, Jesus.
In summary, these Command the morning prayer points is like a bulldozer that clears junks, obstacle, delays, and all kind of satanic manipulation that might want to hinder your day. Start your days by taking charge with authority.
God cares about us, and He he equipped us His children with his Armor. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know we carry His power. This article “Command the morning prayers” is short and straight to the point, to help start your day. God bless you as you read through and put it into practice.
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May God Hear Our Prayers.