In this article, I am going to expose you to 5 types of generational curses affecting humans in the world today.
This has been in existence in the world right from the days of old. Though men are still ignorant of generational curses, that has not stopped them from being in existence and affecting its victim.
A curse is never good, it is always bad in its manifestation, and it is usually programmed to affect negatively.
At the end of reading through this, you will be able to understand the 5 types of generational curses present in our world today, and how to break generational curses.
With a clear understanding of the types of generational curses, you will be able to know what to do in order to be free from it. Carefully read through this article, and your life will not remain the same.
Page Contents
What Is A Curse?
A curse could be seen as a supernatural hindrance capable of limiting or automatically stopping one’s progress and movement or transition in life.
A curse is always negative in its result.
In my opinion, we have 2 major types of Curses,
- Self-inflicted curse: This curse is directly caused by the victim, he or she can be directly blamed for its activities
- Inherited or Generational Curse. It is inherited or passed down from one person to another, from one generation to another.
It is worthy of note that a self-inflicted curse is capable of leading to a generational curse.
Generational Curse Meaning?
These are curses believed to be passed down from one generation to another, there is never anything as good Generational curse, it is always negative.
These curses are believed to be a result of being rebellious against God or any other deity believed to be superior to a man, rebellious against fellow Man can give ground to these curses.
Men have been victims of these curses from the days of old, right from the bible.
The Bible in the book of Exodus 34: 7 has stated that God is a merciful father who forgives sin, and His loving. Yet he places the sin of the father on his children up till the fourth generation.
God has agreed and let us know that he is capable of transferring the repercussion of a man’s sin to his generation even yet unborn.
You might be wondering, “If God is wicked, to have allowed one to go through what he or she knows nothing about?”
Why has God decided to hate us this much to make us pay for something we know nothing about? Eventhough he is our father, he loves us, and a father who loves his children should not allow him to suffer what he knows nothing about.
Well, God is not wicked. He is ever faithful and His mercies endureth forever. Only that many have sinned and cut short the glory of God, including our forefathers.
Some children are suffering from he sin of their fathers today.
This is probably what runs through your mind anytime someone tells you about the existence of a generational curse.
This article will not only expose you to the 5 types of generational curses, we also outline tips and steps to break family and generational curses.
A family is seen to be responsible for our development as it has the greatest impact on our lives, which includes the development of some kinds of patterns and traits.
Because of the great effect of family on individuals, it has been noticed that we have inherited a whole lot of things from our fathers. Any demonic trait passed down from one person to another in a family is a generational curse. These negative habits practically affect our day-to-day activities.
It only takes the hand of God and prayers for one to be able to overcome those demonic strongholds. That is the reason for exploring different types of generational curses and how to break them.
5 Types of Generational Curses
As I earlier stated, two major things run through a man’s life, a blessing or a curse. A curse could be immediate or transferred to future generations. The same thing applies to blessings.
For a better understanding, here are 5 types of generational curses affecting generations today, and how to free from them.
- The Curse from God to Man for Disobedience
- The Curse from Man on Earth to Man
- The Curse of idolatry
- The Curse of evil Pattern
- The Curse of Physical and Mental Sickness
1. The Curse From God To Man For Disobedience:
Recall in the garden of Eden, when Man sinned against God, when man ate the forbidden fruit, God on knowing about that asked man why he did that, he blamed it on the wife (eve), eve on the other hand blamed it on the serpent.
God, out of anger, cursed the serpent, for deceiving man, and making him deviate from God’s own purpose for humanity.
After he (God) might have cursed the serpent, he went ahead and cursed Humanity. This is one of the reasons the world is going through a lot of suffering today.
God’s curse was the first curse on the surface of the earth. God’s curse is generational, the more reason we are going through pains on earth.
One might think that God is wicked to have placed a curse on man, but the truth is that God is not directly the cause of our suffering on earth, do you know what is responsible? Sin is what makes us go through what we are going through today. The man fell from God’s glory because of sin, the sin of disobedience.
The bible stated that the wages of sin is death, this shows that any time someone sin, there is always a consequence for his actions.
This has been a problem in the world since the inception of human existence, this is said to be the origin of curses we are seeing in today’s world.
God created us in his own image, he expects us to be like him, but our sin takes us away from him, and the curse comes in. Any man who deviates from God’s original plan for mankind is cursed already.
ALSO READ How To Break Family Curses
2. The Curse of Man on Earth To Man:
This is the kind of generational curse placed on man by his actions towards his fellow man. If you look at what is happening today in the world, you will observe that a lot of people are going through a lot, majority of these things are not from God directly, but it is a curse placed on man by fellow man as a result either disappointment or anger.
A typical example of this curse is the punishment one gets from cheating a fellow man, killing, and stealing from another.
This kind of curse is not independent on its own, it depends on a supreme factor to be effective, this curse is somehow similar to the curse from God.
Do you know how this kind of curse turns out to be generational? It turns into a generational curse when that curse is being inherited from one generation to another. A man who finds pleasure in cheating others, though might not be alive to reap the fruit of cheating, the demonic seeds he sowed will eventually transfer to his children.
That is why many people on Earth are suffering today without knowing the source of their problems. Let me let tell you this, the tears of a broken-hearted person are always so effective.
It is a known fact that whatsoever any man goes through on Earth has a cause.
This is what I will love to call the curse of cause and effect, the curse of a harvester (what you sowed, you reaped).
ALSO READ: 20 Prophetic Prayers To Break Family Curses
3. The Curse of Idolatry
God is a jealous God, he has told us clearly that we should not worship any other god besides him (Exodus 34:14). The children of Israel, after being delivered by God, committed a sin by worshipping idolatry. They abandoned the God of heaven to worship idols. This sin did not only cost them their lives, but the punishment was extended to their generations yet unborn.
In Psalms 81:9, David admonished us not to have any other god other than the God of Israel, who is God over all gods.
The bible clearly states that “thou shalt not kill,” which means killing one another can place a curse on a man. There are some traditions that require the killing and shedding of innocent blood to appease their gods, and this is one way they might have cursed the land.
Jesus came to the world to die and be sacrificed for our redemption from sin.
To be a real friend of God almighty, one should try every best possible to avoid idolatry. The aftermath effect of it is deadly.
4.The Curse of Evil Pattern:
This is one of the common types of generational curses seen practically in almost all homes in the world today. The evil family pattern never started today, it had been in existence right from the days of the bible.
Inheritance of Evil patterns was seen in the life of David. Solomon, the father of David married 700 wives, he also had 300 concubines. This pattern affected David, though he was a man God loved a lot, that never stopped him from inheriting the curse of polygamy. It got so bad that David had to kill just to get another man’s wife
If this pattern could not fear an anointing man like David, I am sure it is very strong, and can only be taken away by God through prayer.
A lot of individuals on Earth today are struggling as a result of an Evil family pattern, some are aware of it, and some are not aware of it. This has kept a lot of people in bondage. I pray God opens our eyes so we see the damage this has caused us, so we will be able to pray against it.
Barrenness can be a pattern in a family, poverty, hatred, anger can be a pattern of life in a family for a long time.
It takes the hand of God, and strong prayer to be able to overcome these demonic patterns.
At the end of this article, I am quite sure that you will be able to overcome generational curses.
5. The Curse of Physical and Mental Sickness:
Do you know that physical sickness can occur as a result of an already established curse.
Have you ever gone to the hospital? The first thing a doctor enquires to know before the commencement of treatment in a person’s life is the family medical history. They investigate to know the history, so as to know where to start the treatment from.
I know of a family who suffers from diabetes, almost everyone from that family suffers from diabetes.
Though I decided to place this as the fifth among the 5 types of generational curses I know of, this doesn’t mean that it is the least.
Generational curses if passed physically to the family causes damage, rejection, and sometimes death. One of its primary damages is unfulfillment and a life full of pains if God does not intervene.
God created humans, he is the originator of science. This means that science obeyed God, medicine can not survive without God.
Physical sickness as a curse could be a result of committing atrocities.
So many years ago, there was this train in Africa, if one goes against the law of the land, he or she will be struck with some physical illness.
These things are real, it will be a lie to comfort you by trying to say that curses are not real.
I read about a young man who was initiated into the occult through a book he read online. It was a severe experience to the extent that it affected his children. The innocent children got involved in what they never bargained for. It happened in such a way that any of his family members who try to deny his or her association either dies, runs mad or suffers one severe illness.
It took the hand of God for the family to be delivered. The more reason I advise youths to be careful and know what they read online. The outcome might be deadly.
Also Read: 50 Powerful Decree And Declare Prayers
How To Break Generational Curses
It is not for him that that wills, it is rather for God that shows mercy.
It takes the grace of God for one to be able to break these curses and be free once more time. This is what we are going to look into.
Satan has kept a lot captive because of ignorance. The Bible has made us understand that a lot of believers have perished for lack of understanding.
One of the reasons God always want us to seek more knowledge and understanding.
The steps are:
1. Believe that these curses exist: A lot of people on earth have made the mistake of denying the existence of something that exists, especially if it is something that is not pleasant to the one involved.
Generational curses have been argued by a lot not to be in existence, the day we believe that there is a stronghold that stops men in life, we will be able to fight against it through prayers.
I did not say that you should accept that it exists and allow it to be, rather, believe in its existence so as to be able to fight it to a standstill.
2. Run away from sins, and also plead that God helps overcome them: One of the greatest ways of contacting generational curses is through sins, if you continue in the sin of your father, you are likely going to pass through what they passed through. To be totally free from generational curses, you should be able to avoid sin at all cost
3. Believe that, though these Curses exist, God is greater than them: A lot of people see their problems to be superior to God, you will be able to be free from the generational curses the day you will believe that God is greater than your problems.
4. In God: There is no other way in which man is free from bondage, sin and curse except through Christ. The Bible is the book of John 6v47 says that he who so ever believes in Christ has everlasting life.
5. Live by Faith and not in Fear: Fear is the greatest enemy of achievement, it is capable of hindering you from getting to the top.
God himself hates to see his children in fear. Matthew 10v31 has told us not to be afraid because we are more than demonic sparrows. Fear makes you doubt God, while faith makes you trust him.
6. Prayer and Fasting: This seems to be the last on the list, but it is not the least. I purposely kept it as the last for the purpose of emphasis. The most effective way to overcome the 5 types of generational curses is through prayers and fasting.
If you come from a strong and wicked family, you should not joke with prayer and fasting.
There are demons who are not ready to let their victims go except through prayer, this is to show that there are problems that will only go if the victim calls on God through prayers. In the book of Matthew 17v21 and that of Mark 9v29, the bible makes us know that this thing goes not except through prayer and also through fasting.
The strong powers of your father’s house are wicked, they’re not willing to leave you. They feel so happy seeing you lament or struggle in life, you don’t need to pamper them at all, be wild when it comes to them because they hate you and your prosperity with great hatred.
2 Corinthians 10:3 teaches us that, though we are fleshly, we fight against spirits rather than flesh, and verse 4 teaches us that the weapons of our warfare are not physical (carnal), but are so mighty in God that they are programmed to pull down strong things.
This weapon is prayer, that is what gives us authority as children of the kingdom of God.
Prayers To Overcome Generational Curses
If you are suffering from generational curses, or you feel you can not do what you would have ordinarily done, just know that these prayers can do the magic.
These prayers are:
- Father Lord, I thank you for everything you’ve done for me, I am so grateful. Let your name of exalted in Jesus’ name
- I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ
- I come against every weapon fashioned against my life and destiny in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Generational curses that affected my parents, and have prepared to attack and conquer me, I render you powerless in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Any known or unknown sin that brought these curses into my life, I pray for forgiveness from heaven, God that forgives sin, please forgive me and make me whole again in Jesus’ name.
- Every limitation of life sends into my life on assignment in order to relegate my life, I remove you by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Sins of my forefathers coming against my life and family, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I command you to be powerless in my life and family in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I break every habit in my life that would want to form part of me in order to destroy my life and family in the name of Jesus Christ.
- What caused my parents to cry, and are ready to same to me, I come against you in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I shall not fail in life in the name of Jesus Christ.
Final Note on 5 Types of Generational Curses
The five types of generational curses described in this article are intended to expose you to aspects of life that you were probably unaware of, or that you were aware of but felt it was unnecessary to discuss.
Having done justice to the five generational curses, I now know and believe that you are prepared to fight this war of destiny so as to make it to the top.
My earnest prayer for you is to be able to conquer the five generational curses so as to be free from bondage.
Please, pray for me that I’ll have the will to fight the enemy again.
Am blessed indeed ready to be delivered from generational curses.
In God’s name I praise and thank him for providing you these insights and gifts. life is a journey. Given much in blessings and hardships I see the hand of Jesus Christ in all things. I do not believe in coincidence for God has reason for all things. Thank you for your insight. I needed this right now to continue growing and learning! May God bless you and encourage others through these words!
You are welcome! We Thank God you are blessed with our articles. We pray that the Lord will grant you strenth and grace to keep going. Shallom
praise the Lord!
It has been such a big blessing and answer for me to land on this page.I believe and have full faith in God that the issues I have been going through because of generational curses are no more!
I praise the Lord Jesus so much for I am a new creation.
May the Lord bless you for publishing this article to touch and change lives.
this is wonderful and so helpful, may God be exalted in Jesus name