Are you currently addicted to gambling to the extent that you feel you can not be redeemed? Then this article is for you. Fervent prayers for gamblers can deliver anyone addicted to gambling.
Addiction to gambling is a serious challenge, it ruins if not stopped on time. We have seen instances where a wealthy man became broke. We have seen people who become rich winning lotteries but in rare cases. As believers, gambling should not be encouraged, it takes a large part of you and takes you away from God.
1 Cor 7: 35 NLT: I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.
This means you should have nothing that will distract you from God and gambling is part of that. You need prayer for gamblers if you are in this shoe, and I’m sure this list of gamblers’ prayers will help you turn a new leaf.
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What is Gambling?
This is defined as the act of one playing games for a chance of winning money. It has to do with a game believed to be a game of luck.
A gambler has it in mind that he will either win not lose and is sometimes ready for any outcome, irrespective of how it will look like.
One of the things that makes gambling bad and should be discouraged is the motive behind it.
Have you noticed that a gambler always wants to make more money, thereby making him try harder? Looking at this, what do you think is one of the strong causes of gambling? it is what I term as the love of money. According to 1 Timothy 6:10, the love of money is the root of all evil.
Gambling is so deceitful to the extent that it makes you believe that it is the only way God kept for you to make it in life.
Let me tell you the truth, financial success should not be something you gamble on. Gambling with finance is demonic to the extent that, you will pay dearly for it, it is just a matter of time.
Have you asked yourself this question, why is it that I can never go a day without gambling, even though I lose money to it every day I engage in it? God is going to deliver us from this wicked spirit that is spiced up to destroy our finance.
How Satan Strategizes Gambling
Have you noticed that gamblers always have people they look up to? What I mean is, gamblers have men who they believe made it through gambling, and for that reason, they believe that their breakthrough is going to come through that medium, maybe one day.
Do you see how deceitful Satan can be? Let me ask you a question, how many people do you know that have made sustainable wealth through gambling? Absolutely few and probably none.
Satan makes the concept of gambling to be presented in a way that will make us believe that wealth is a matter of luck and that one day you will also fall among the few lucky ones, is that not ridiculous?
This deceiver makes us belittle and sometimes neglect the kingdom principles of wealth and believe in the possibility of making it big through gambling.
Causes of Gambling
Before we list prayers for gamblers, it will be good to know the causes of gambling and how to avoid them. Our behaviour and action start from the mind. The mind is a powerful tool, it can make or mar a man depending on his thought. If you take your mind off the causes of gambling and pray these gambler prayers, trust me, you have just broken a bond.
Greed or lack of contentment
Funny enough, the core cause of gambling in the world today is greed, never will you see a man who is contented with what he has dedicates his life to gambling.
You will never have all the money in this life, the more money you have, the more money you will want to have, it is a natural thing. But how do you intend to make this money when all Satan shows you is the possibility of making it through gambling?
I remember when I was in University, I was then addicted to gambling to the extent that I was always ready to gamble with any money that will come my way. I was never contented with what I had, I always wanted to have more.
For clarification’s sake, there is nothing wrong with aspiring to have more, but when you make greed your basis for having more and thereby employ the wrong method, that is when it is bad. It was when I learnt the art of contentment and prayed against greed that God started to deliver me from gambling.
One of the root recognized causes of gambling is impatience. According to the book of Isaiah 40:31, they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall run and never be tired.
I have always known that God had destined me for riches, but the problem I had then was that I wanted the money as fast as possible, this was one of the things that led me into gambling, and I must tell you that it never worked out as believed. Wait and pray, at the appointed time, the Lord will do that which concerns you.
Wrong mindset about wealth
Another that got me into gambling was the wrong mindset of believing that wealth creation is a thing of luck and that luck can come from gambling.
Let me ask you a question since you started gambling, have you been able to build sustainable wealth? I already know the answer and it will be NO. Gambling gives you money and takes it back from you with some percentage interest.
Wrong peer group
Another common cause of gambling in the society is wrong peer group, a friend who leads you to gamble is a wrong friend, a friend is supposed to teach us the principles kingdom of wealth.
Effect of Gambling
Gambling has affected us negatively to a very large extent. Look at your society at the moment, think of men who are homeless and poor. Examine their lives and you will be surprised to know that they are actively gambling.
It takes the hand of God for a gambler to attain financial independence, do you know why? Because they always use the little they have to gamble with the belief that they will make it big from gambling one day.
Gambling destroys both physical and spiritual growth. This is why you should pray the prayers for gamblers to be redeemed, it will save you years of pain and destruction. Please, take this very seriously because gambling is so destructive, as I said earlier, it is capable of rendering a wealthy man useless.
According to 1 Timothy 6:9, a wealthy man falls into temptation and lust which is capable of destroying him.
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Prayer for Gamblers
- Father Lord, I thank you for the revelation from your divine word, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I thank you Lord for preserving my life despite these turbulent times, you have shown yourself as the keeper of Israel, your mercies are new every morning and great is thy faithfulness in the name of Jesus Christ.
- By my power alone, I will not be able to overcome this temptation of gambling, gambling has sincerely affected me both physically and spiritually but I can not stop it on my own, Jesus please step in and help me to stop it with your power in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Jesus Christ, I am sorry for all the resources I lavished on gambling, I need it out of an ignorant spirit. Please forgive me daddy in the name of Jesus Christ.
- According to Isaiah 60, daddy let my light so shine before men, let this light take away the forces of gambling in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, please take away the tendency of going back to gambling in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, I come against every power that built addictive spirits in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- If there is anything I want to be addicted to, it should be your sweet name and prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, please help me to develop a strong relationship with you in such a way that demonic addictions will flee away in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Father Lord, please help me to stay away from friends who are threats to my new decision in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Any friend who will not lead me to you, I receive the grace to discontinue them in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every power assigned to make me spend my divine seed on gambling, I receive the power to overcome you in the name of Jesus Christ.
- By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I shall no longer serve money in this life, I shall serve God. For your word says I should seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and every other thing shall be added to me, Lord I want to serve from today in the game of Jesus Christ.
- I shall not miss my destiny because of my perpetual addiction to gambling in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I shall never let go of my God-given purpose in life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I come against every form of anxiety that I have invited into my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I come against every monitoring power assigned to monitor me day and night to make sure I fall back to gambling in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I rebuke every unbelieving spirit that makes me sometimes doubt God’s word for my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- In this season and beyond, I command good news to locate me in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Thank you Jesus Christ for answering my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
A final note on prayers for gamblers
Gambling as stated in the article is destructive and should be discouraged and these prayers for gamblers with determination can help you overcome this spirit of gambling.
Gambling attacks the finance of its victim and possibly renders him to nothing. I pray that God helps you to overcome it as I did in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
1 Comment
continue praying for me,i,m a victim